Does a graduate degree guarantee you a job? Is a master's degree necessary to get promotions? What course should I pursue to enhance my skills? Will I get a job after my degree? These are the questions that every young student finds an answer to while making a career choice. But does a degree or a university prepare you for a job?
In a rapidly changing workforce, institutions must continually change to retain the usefulness of their programmes. Students with training and experience of real-world are likely to get a job and better growth offers. Looking at the demands of the market, University Grants Commission is now, more than ever focused on the career oriented programmes at the University level. Keeping in line with the guidelines of UGC, JG University desires to re-direct the map of future education. JG University offers programmes to students which equip them with the technological, practical and interpersonal skills. Our programmes offer students hands-on experience and bridge the gap between the university and corporate.
Students at JG University are prepared for the real life experiences and outside world by giving them an exposure of industry as well as rural. The curriculum of the programmes absorbs the students with rural immersion and polishes them as per the market needs. JG University offers multiple programmes in the field of Commerce such as B.Com, B.COm (Hons) with specialistion in US Accounting & Taxation, M.Com (Hons) with specialistion in US Accounting & Taxation, Management progrmmes like BBA, BBA (Hons), iMBA (Intergrated BBA + MBA), MBA, Design programmes such as B.Design in Fashion & Interior, and Computing programmes like BCA, BCA (Hons), iMCA (Integrated BCA + MCA), iMSc (IT) (Intergrated BSc + MSc), MSc (IT), giving students a variety of options to choose from. The programmes offered by JG University are aligned with the UGC guidelines of career oriented programmes and focus on holistic development of students, preparing them with employability skills, leading their future with excellence. Along with the regular programmes, JG University also offer honors degree and integrated degree to students embedded with capstone projects and cross-cultural as well as cross-sectoral internship opportunities. A JGiet (JG University Gradute) will always have employment or be self-employed.