JG University’s Masters of Commerce is an honors degree program spread over four semesters. Our M. Com offers specialization in US Accounting & Taxation, focusing on the student's practical exposure and learning. The curriculum of this two-year program is designed in line with the New Education Policy 2020 which emphasizes on the employability of the students after the completion of their degree. JGU brings expertise to its students by connecting them to renowned industry experts in the concerned domain.
JGU’s M. Com is a premium program that offers on-the-job training to students with a stipend of ₹25,000 per month from the second semester. The stipend sums to an amount of ₹4,50,000 by the end of the fourth semester. JGU polishes its students to excel in their respective fields and nurtures their soft skills, business skills, and technological skills. The key takeaway for the students pursuing M. Com (Hons) at JGU is a real-life experience of 18 months as well as a Master’s degree with (Hons). Students enrolled in the M. Com (Hons) program not only learn from the best but also make contacts with well-versed CPAs and CAs from the field.
This course is designed to upgrade the analytical and accounting skills of the students which will not only be helpful to build a career in India but will open doors to many flourishing opportunities in the United States. The course upskills the student's fundamental knowledge and defines a career path to pursue professional courses in the future.
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